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Dr Al




Hi, my name is Al. I'm a Dr. of Pharmacy, a Personal Fitness Trainer, an Author, and a Self-defense Instructor. You may say things such as “Training feels like a chore”… “I don't have time to train”… or ”It feels boring.” You may even feel like you have no motivation to train. This is why people come to me; to create a workout routine that fits their schedule. I also created my own strength training programs to take my clients on an adventure so working out doesn't feel like a chore and this will essentially boost your motivation. I give you a blueprint to be your own personal trainer. I wrote a book called Safe Weight Training for Everyone, which is a collection of basic exercises, you can use along with my strength training programs & boot camps. If you are interested in getting to your fitness goals, whether it is weight loss, muscle gain, improved speed, strength, or general performance, click on the link in the chat and get your copy of the book. Anyone who grabs a copy TODAY will get an EXCLUSIVE INVITATION into the Strength Training Program launching later this year! Safe Weight Training for Everyone DL Big Sky MT on Facebook DrAC Facebook DrAC Instagram DrAC LinkedIn DrAC YouTube
