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Alannah Shayne




🌱Lifelong Learner 🌏Educator for 20 years | Education Leader | Advisor | Career Coach and Mentor ❤️Meditation and Mindfulness Coach 🧠Serial founder (Profit & Nonprofit) 💸Investor(Focus on Edtech, Fintech, Healthtech, ESG, Entertainment Tech, Femtech, Proptech) 🎼Composer | Conductor | Producer | 🧩Writer | 🎬TV Show Host 🧘🏻‍♀️Energy Healer | Music Therapist 🎰Numerologist 🎏Eastern and Western Culture Ambassador —————————————————— Interests: ✨Philosophy ✨Anthropology ✨Mental Health and Wellness ✨Vipassana | Meditation ✨Energy Frequency / Five Elements /I Ching /Numerology ✨Philanthropy ✨Innovation Technologies ✨Decentralization of sources ✨Cooking | Tea | Wine ✨Arts Collection 📍China -> Boston -> New York -> Bloomington-> Oxford -> Los Angeles 我爱那一种人,他们不向星空的那边寻求没落和牺牲的理由,他们只向大地献身。 🇶🇶 📩: [email protected] 📲WeChat: AlannahShayne (添加请备注CH) —————————————————— 🏡 Clubs Founder or Admin or Moderator on Clubhouse 🏚☘️被詩歌耽誤的有趣靈魂☘️All Poetry CLub - 用诗歌读出人生的感悟 (第4個圖標) 🏚終身學習成長營 Lifelong Learning Club - 在学习中成长到老 (第6個圖標) 🏚聲癒 Soundfulness - 感受聲音的溫度 (第8个圖標) 🏚人物誌 People’s Talk - 和有趣靈魂的對話(第10個圖標) 👩‍💼Revelation of Food 末日料理 - 用食物打開五官和回憶 (第3個圖標) 👩‍💼LoveNote Around The World - 傳遞愛,共鳴愛 (第9个圖標) 👩‍💼The Chinese Club 華人茶館 (第1个圖標) @scottyshaw 👩‍💼海邊野餐桌 (第7和圖標) @ziaviator ✳️Ren 电台 @rensun ✳️ 听电影 @leontravel —————————————————— 🗓Weekly Room Hosting Calendar 🧘🏻‍♀️Daily 6:00-7:00 AM PST Meditation | Intention | Habit | Lifestyle | Mindfulness 『習慣的養成』每日从冥想开始 🧩Daily 1:00 pm or 4:00 pm PST 每天读一点 ⏺ Thursday Morning @8:00 am Interview: <People’s Talk>人物誌專訪 🍵Friday 3:30-5:30 PM PST Eastern Plus Western Culture (Live on FB group: < 茶語荼說> (Introducing four arts of the Song Dynasty scholars who pursue elegant life: Burning incense, Tea, Flower arrangement and Hanging paintings) 中华文化分享: 宋代四艺文化 Past events: Guqin introduction (Four sessions) Tea introduction (Ten Sessions) 📜Saturday 4:00 -6:30 PM PST ☘️被詩歌耽誤的有趣灵魂☘️ All Poetry 加入FB 社群, 互相交流,收到过往Event 笔记和相关学习视频: ——————————————————
