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Alan Jones




Ready to get your 2023 started? Drop me a message to get a πŸ†“ copy of my wayfinder workbook. It will help you review, learn from ✍️ and celebrate πŸŽ‰ the last year whilst getting that clarity and focus for the year ahead! πŸ“ˆ Coach | Resilience & Crisis Specialist. Helping you to survive, thrive and transform πŸ”₯ Respond effectively to challenge, adversity and change πŸ‘Š Make better decision in life πŸ‘ Achieve your goals 🎯 Your life, business and happiness is an outcome of the decisions you take. Faced with uncertainty πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ, adversity 😬, challenges πŸ” , or all-out crises πŸŒͺ, you choose to respond (logical decisions) or react (emotional decisions). I don't need to tell you which are going to have a better outcome! We are all faced with crisis πŸ”₯, uncertainty 🀯 and challenges πŸ‹πŸΌ in life (now more than ever 🦠). Your bodies natural defences can take over, we can become anxious 😳, adrenaline pumps πŸ₯΄, and that's when we make poor decisions. Having a framework/plan to follow and someone by your side can help achieve positive outcomes πŸ‘ and turn challenges into opportunitiesπŸ“ˆπŸ’ͺ. Through coaching and consulting, I help my clients prepare for and navigate challenges, adversity, and crises, achieve their goals, and become more #resilient to future uncertainty. Whether crisis πŸŒͺπŸ”₯🦠 career or life changes πŸ‘”πŸ‘£ starting a new business πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» or goals you want to achieve 🎯, we can help you build your resilience and enable you to take effective decisions. Business Owner; Coach; Consultant; Global Award-winner πŸŒπŸ† #Crisis & #Resilience Specialist; Military Spouse (#MILSPO #SMSpouse); & Father. Ex-Head of Resilience and Emergencies for Government πŸ› and Emergency Services πŸš’; Ex PwC Crisis and Resilience Consultant; and Stay at Home Dad #SAHD. Love travel ✈️ adventures πŸ”πŸ—Ί walking πŸ₯Ύ and jive πŸ•Ί