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Akash Kaparthy




Lander Systems Engineer @ispace inc Japan. Science is a subject, which makes me to understand the mysteries of this World which is quite exciting. At the age of 10 years, I got an opportunity to visit a science exhibition where I got to learn more about science and for the first time I was introduced to a new world called space. From then different kind of questions were started popping into mind like what, why and how just like any novice. I started to dig more into this as time pass by. Additionally, my interests in maths and physics helped my journey of learning about aerospace and beginning a career in it. During physics class in my High school, I learnt about Newton and Einstein theories. More particularly lectures in quantum particle physics and theories further dwelled me into the new areas. My questions about each concept and theory with the lecturers more or less got me into frequent arguments and sometimes lengthy discussions. Altogether, my personal interest and parents’s encouragement, I decided to pursue career in physics and space to contribute for better World. #SpaceEngineer #SpaceEntrepreneur #GoalToBettermentOfWorld