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Brandilynn Edgerton




🐫🐫 __________ My purpose is to leave the world a better place for me having been here. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ My purpose is to infuse every soul that crosses my path with more LOVE, HOPE, and ENCOURAGEMENT than they had before meeting me. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ My purpose is to take the tragedies of my life and change the world in a profound way because of them. __________ 🌎🌍🌏 Mission: World shifter 🌎🌍🌏 Passions: Writing, family, friends and helping people __________ God willing... Adapt book to film MOVIES/TV/ACTING/VO/VA πŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž Hobbies: Music Cooking Oil painting πŸ“šπŸŽ₯βœ’πŸŽ¬πŸ–Œ Current projects: Completion of book and getting it to print Working on screenplay based off of book Upon completion of screenplay (Adaptation to film) Creating a project that will work in conjunction with the release of my first book that will bring awareness to suicide PREVENTION. 🎬🎬🎬🎬🎬🎬 🐫🐫 Curious? I was too... Check it out for yourself 🐫🐫 Camel Camel 🎬🎬🎬🎬🎬🎬