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AJ Holiday




🧚🏾Geechee🧜🏽‍♀️ Direct descendent of Lilith✨ Indigenous 🪶💫 ✨⏳Entrepreneur - “Phuck dat job” Bad-good advice giver🙃 ✨🥗 Trap Veggie™️ Food Truck Good-Trouble Facilitator 🤗 ✨📈Investor Fake avid book reader🤓📚 ✨📝Writer ⭐️Seshat GEMINI ♊️ ☀️💫 ⌨️ Non-programmable🤖 ✨😴Feminist who? File me on your taxes sir. Freethinker🪐 🤗Short men advocate Hctiw 💫 💡 Light 🧘🏽‍♀️My religion is Love, Relationships and Music 🎶 ✨Integrity is a life long commitment ✨ I know a little bit, about everything. So whad up! But.....💫GOOD VIBES ONLY💫 © All rights reserved Other interest: Traveling, therapy, fashion, Veganism, vegetarian, wealth building, indigenous, Yuchi, Children of the Sun, relationship advice, WP, networking, beauty, stocks, witch, meditation 🧘🏽‍♀️