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Ailenid Landeta




Bilingualism - Multiculturalism- Español Supporting families in their bilingual journey ⭐️ ¡Mantengamos el español en la casa!⭐️ Promoting passing down our heritage language and culture to our kids.⭐️ Building a community of families raising bilingual children. Let’s give our children the gift of bilingualism. ⭐️ Owner of Bilingual Birdies Pflugerville 🐥 - Language program with music and puppetry. 🎼 -Online Spanish classes for kids/clases de español en línea para niños. Clubhouse: Acompáñame en el club Puerto Rican Moms 👨‍👩‍👧 Mom raising a bilingual child in a multicultural and biracial family. 🇺🇸🇵🇷🇵🇭 Puerto Rican / boricua married to Filipino 🗣 M.S. in Speech-language pathology; serving the pediatric population for over 18 years. B.A. Psychology Native Spanish speaker Viviendo en la diáspora. Learning and growing as a Latina entrepreneur Love everything language and learning about cultures. Defensora de la lengua materna/heritage language ✝️ Believer ⭐️Representation matters ⭐️Celebrate diversity ⭐️Mantengamos nuestras tradiciones.