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Ahmed Bain




I'm helping many real estate agents in hiring their virtual assistants to help them with many administrative takes, 📲 posting on their social media, and answering online inquiries Ane many more take to grow their business. 👉💰 ❇️We can help your business by bringing you more traffic and buyers and by hiring virtual assistance, sales, customer service, and any help you might need at your company 🏆Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion☑️ 🏆GROWTH = BEING KNOWN.PERIOD🏆 🏆Be a man be, strong, and be the best you can! ☑️ 🏆✔️On the path of life, don't forget that you are the captain of your journey. Believe in yourself and always be confident that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.☑️ 🏆✔️Global sales trainer and brand ambassador, 25 years in the telecommunication industry, building and supporting sales teams. 👉Branding‏ first then Marketing👈 CEO @ UPPLUCK, social. A digital marketing agency!  WWW.UPPLUCK.COM CEO @ virtual assistant agency We are helping thousands of clients to start their online stores. In less than five days, you will sell your products on FB, IG, Twitter, and anywhere you want. Have you thought about starting your marketing agency? Schedule a call with me 👇 If you know how social media works and want to grow to sell digital marking and social media, then I can help you to make 150K- to 250k in your first year. It's all on you how to close deals OR, If you own a business and need traffic and more customers/clients, then we can help you. We have tools that work like magic and will save you tons of money, End the suffering and start the change today. 💰 End the suffering and stop the disappointments!   “The comfort zone is the deadliest zone.” Make a move; take the shot! Email: [email protected] ‏ رجل أعمال والرئيس التنفيذي لثلاث شركات في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية في مدينة بوسطن وسانت لويس و هيوستن. ‏ مهتم جدا بحقوق الرجل. والحافظ على قوة الرجال في المجتمع لبناء أسرة مترابطة! وفق الله الشباب العرب وحماهم من الحركات النسوية و المثلية الفاسدة ومن ساندهم من أشباه الرجال! جنسيتي و انتمائي هي البلاد العربية بأكملها! فأنا من مصر الأردن الإمارات البحرين الجزائر السعودية السودان الصومال العراق الكويت المغرب اليمن تونس جزر القمر جيبوتي سوريا عمان قطر لبنان ليبيا موريتاني وفلسطيني!