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Ája H.




🔥Startup Portfolio 👩🏽‍💼/Scout/Advisor 💥MPH, IHSM / MBA / Pre-med 💥17 yr STEM Strategist Consultant ✴️ DM me to connect ✴️ 🧠 Polymath | Self taught awarded 🧑‍🎨 🧾 Abbott, Cerner, Deloitte, Huron, 2 Startups Head of Strategy, gener8tor 🏆 Founder of Guided Direction - strategy advisory for early stage startups ************************************ 📍CLE/CHI < Nawlins < Southside Chicago #1908 AKA 💚💕 spring 06 URO #HBCU proud 👩🏽‍🏫 Too Many Loans 💸 Xula ⚜️, Tulane, UMKC Bloch Business ************************************ WAYS TO CONNECT 🔌 ▫️Available to be on your podcast ▫️Available to moderate a CH room, virtual summit or event ▫️Thoughts are my own MY WHY? I am here to learn, listen and add value where I can! ************************************ 👉🏽❓about work. Let’s 🗣 Follow My Twitter ⬇️ DMs Open