Amanda DiGuardia
Do you want to help Wiley save the dogs? Email him at [email protected] Check out Wiley and Friends on open sea!! π€ Wiley is also on Twitter now @di_wiley Breast Cancer Awareness Wiley is for sale now! We will donate a portion of proceeds of this project with @anonymonsters - a Save the Boobies project! I am the creator, the goal is to save all the doggos! Check us out to learn more!!! LLC is created 501c3 is on the way! Looking for angel investors, people in the land ownership space, contractors, and many others who are looking to eradicate kill shelters and dog pounds nationwide with me! Wife to Sal VeeFriend Owner Janky Heist Addict Part of the FameLady Squad (with my crown) Friend to Fluf Dinosaur ButtFeet Guardian CryptoClocky keeper Sister Gutter Rat to Kevin Camel and Monster Breeder Running with the WolfPack Eternal Royal Queen Protecting the Muttniks Bought Frogs, got land! Avastar Supastar Galaxy-EGGsited Boss Beauty Boss Babe! Flower Girls rule the world! NFDaddy mommy FuzzieMint Minter Blockchain Bella supporter BOPS OG Co-Host of the VeeGinaz Clubhouse