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Lynn Miner-Rosen




Professional Career Coach, ADHD Coach & Life Coach for Adults, College Students & Teens, worldwide. #nojudgement #nostigmas @adhdcoachlynn 💜 Founder of ADHD Job Squad & LMR Coaching. ✅ Manage a team of 4 coaches and an amazing team behind the scenes. Also public speaker, trainer, Professional Development (HS/College), teacher, collaborator, edifier, course creator, animal lover and people pleaser! (And I have ADHD). Former careers: NYC Special Education Teacher, Department Store buyer, showroom sales, business owner! 🌺 I see people from the inside out instead of from the outside in. #nojudgement #nostigma ☀️ About me: I have been a full-time professional Career, ADHD & Life Coach, business owner and trainer for 10+ years. 12 years as a Special Education & Business teacher, 2 Masters in Education (GR 1-9), Special Education (All grades). 15 yrs corporate and small business (management and sales) experience. - Check out & sign up for our newsletters. Lynn Miner-Rosen M.Ed., ACC Email: [email protected]