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Adam Swig




Award winning Founder and Executive Director of Value Culture, a non profit focused on amplifying cultures and philanthropy. Reach out to me better @ivalueculture on Instagram My clubhouse rooms have been featured by Time ⏰ Magazine, NBC News 📰, The NY Times 🗞 , Fortune💰Magazine, and news affiliates from around the world. Brought the first Holocaust survivors on to CH, MLK’s right hand man Dr. Clarence B. Jones, music legend Ben Fong Torres, plus other rockstars. Co-creator of the Afikomen NFT, the most expensive piece of matzo ever & co-producer of the 43,000 person CH Passover Seder: A night of 1,000 Jewish stars. All are always welcome, come on stage! All money sent to me through clubhouse goes directly to support Value Culture, for a tax deduction in the USA please email the receipt and your name to [email protected] Next CH: Havdalah ☮️🌍 Saturdays 6pm PST Next IRL event: At the bandshell in Golden Gate Park, SF! We've brought more than 10 artists to real life stages from CH, follow us on IG! Text VALUECULTURE to 44-321 to donate to our non profit if you like what you hear. Don’t waste your voice, use it for good and your life will improve. I know your scared but you don’t have to be. I got your back! Join the houses ! and our Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo club 🙏🏼 You may have been in my Campfire Jams 🔥, Play us a song? 🙏🏼, Havdalah 🌍 🔌 ☮️, Holocaust Survivor, Night of 1,000 Jewish Stars Passover Seder, Singing Oracle, or other rooms that are what you’ve been looking for. We keep it real & give back to the future! All are welcome on stage. 🖤 Are you featured on our Spotify playlists? Let’s connect on IG. @ivalueculture lnktree. 📍 Bay Areaaaaaaaaaa 🇺🇸 I also like Baseball, concerts, beaches, dogs, food, & laughing, hawaii a lot. #havdalah
