Nichol Apostolic (Evg.)
“Interested in writing a book? I can help! As a publisher and author of numerous books, I specialize in guiding others through the process of bringing their stories to life. Need flexible payment options? No problem. Let’s work together to birth your publication!” ➡️ visit ⬅️ I’m passionate about soul winning as an Evangelist that adheres to the Apostles doctrine. 🚪Being born again of water & Spirit is necessary‼️💦🕊If we ONLY repent, when is the water & Spirit applied ❓❓ 🚩The Apostles did NOT tell anyone to recite a “sinner’s prayer.” ✝️• 1st ALTAR CALL establishing the New Covenant church is found in Acts 2:37-39 ⬇️ Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do? ✝️ 38 Then Peter said unto them, REPENT, and be BAPTIZED every one of you in the NAME of JESUS Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the GIFT of the HOLY GHOST. Jesus spoke his “last words” to conclude His earthly ministry in Acts 1:3-9 emphasizing that POWER would be received AFTER the baptism of the Holy Ghost comes upon you. 🔑Matthew 16:19 Peter received the “keys of the Kingdom of heaven,” and opened the door preaching GRACE and the gospel of Jesus Christ. From that historical moment in Acts 2:38— the plan of salvation was adhered to in Acts 8:12-17, Acts 10:44-48, and Acts 19:1-6 documenting consistent biblical signs of repentance, baptism in the NAME of JESUS, and speaking in tongues as the kingdom initiation. •One of the most misinterpreted scriptures is Romans 10:9. “Confess” in the Greek is homologeo, which means not to deny, to say the same thing as another, to be repetitive with your speech. “Saved” in the Greek is Sozo, meaning to make safe, REMAIN SECURE in your walk with God. In Romans 10:9, “saved” is NOT the Greek word soteria defined as SALVATION. The Epistles in the New Testament from Romans to Jude are written to BELIEVERS (ppl saved already). These letters CANNOT be used to lead the unregenerate to Christ. •Msg me if you’re interested in recv’g the baptism of the Holy Ghost (speaking in tongues) 🔥🕊