My name is Abdul Olugbala Shakur,I am a New Afrikan Revolutiinary Nationalist activist,a citizen of the Republik of New Afrika,and have been active in the New Afrikan Independence Movement since the age of 13. My father was a Black Panther,the struggle for Black Liberation is all I know,all I lived for. I served 42 years in prison while spending 32 plus years in Solitary Confinement for my political beliefs and activities. I am only here to listen and observe. If you wish to know about me and what I have been involved in,check out my websites...www.theconcretescholar.com and www.georgejacksonuniversity-gju.com https://assataalertnetwork.wixsite.com/assata-alert-network You can also Google my name: Abdul Olugbala Shakur. Death Before Dishonor ā„ļøš¤š š¦š¦š¦ New Afrikan Revolutiinary Political Prisoner of War https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070729848779&mibextid=ZbWKwL ā„ļøš¤š https://www.facebook.com/Hemp276?mibextid=ZbWKwL