Amirhossein Nateghi
CEO and Co-Founder at Quiz of Kings 👑 Quiz of Kings is an online social trivia game and the most popular online mobile game in Iran with over 20 million downloads and 1.5 million monthly active users. Currently our team consists of 80 talented young people and we are aiming for much bigger and exciting goals 🚀 ✅ What are my passions ✔️I love Hacking Growth Vertically and Scalling Tech Products and Organizations Horizontally ✔️I love to set ambious goals and make them real ✔️I love to help people and have a positive influence on them ✔️I love exploring, traveling, and having adventures in the world 🔴 My interesting fields of business ✔️Game industry ✔️ Data and AI ✔️ Space 👨🏻🎓 Studied ✔️Software Engineering @Tehran Polytechnic (AUT) 🎮 My hobbies : ✔️ Movies and tv series ✔️ Chilling with friends ✔️ Reading books ✔️ Gaming ✔️ Walking, workout, Football ✔️ Traveling, camping ✔️ Meditation ✅ Here on CB to ✔️Learn ✔️Connect ✔Share 🔗