Melissa Gilbert
⭐️ Executive Producer Film & TV ⭐️ Global Celebrity Endorsement Expert ⭐️ Brand & Marketing Consultant ⭐️ Chaosi Wrangler ⭐️ Former Talent Agent at ICM 💜 repped Beyoncé, James Spader, Kevin Hart, Selena Gomez, Ellen DeGeneres, Harvey Keitel, Susan Sarandon, Liev Schreiber and many more. 📽Film 📺TV 🎬Commercials 🎫Events, 🎼Music Licensing 🎯Brand Sponsorships ⭐️ Creating strategic partnerships between celebrities and brands/VC’s and startups ⭐️ Executive Producer 📺 SEEN (2021) 🎥 STRONG 🦋BRAND CLIENTS🦋 🥗HelloFresh 🍫Hershey’s 🚙AAA 💳MasterCard 🩺Genentech 🛋Aaron’s 🥞Perkins 🏖Visit California 🏠 ServPro 🌹YL Essential Oils 🃏Real Dealer 📎Indeed 🚘OnStar🍺 Stella Artois New to the startup world. Ask me about my social media with a charitable mission app, rREVL 💜Mission💜 To brazenly play in the world. To always be curious in the listening. To embrace the deliciousness of being wrong. To bend. To accept the idea of safe. To choose to live outside the insides of my story. To rewrite my future, with glitter glow ink and iridescent fairy dust. 🦄 Mel Meli Melis Meliss Melissa 🐶 Los Angeles / New York / UK WWW.THECELEBRITYLINK.COM 🧑🏼🎤[email protected]👩🏼🎤