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🔵 Bleu Circle Fam One of my main areas of interest is all things alternative solutions for affordable housing. A complete disruption to traditional home builds through innovation in housing manufacturing and minimalist autonomous living, consisting of… Tiny Homes, PreFab, Modular, Casitas, Co-Ops, Container Homes, Accessory Dwelling Units, Nests, Cottages, Micro Communities, Mobile Homes, Earthships, NetZero-Smart Homes An industry more black people should be interested and/or get involved in, including establishing Startups and Investments I also love all things Hip-Hop...Don’t forget the DJ, Emcee, Dance, Free Hand Art, and Knowledge Stuck In The Middle...Trying To Find Balance...Love G.O.D....Safeguard Your Heart...The O.N.E. G S L O N G S U F F E R I N G S O P E A C E D N N D E L J L S E L F C O N T R O L K I N D N E S S A V Y M I E T H Find your purpose and pursue it. Without the gift of life nothing is possible, devote time and assign honor to what is greater than self If you follow back here, please feel free to follow me on Twitter for further engagement🏌🏾 Last but not Least… 🟥 NO CRYPTO SOLICITATIONS!!! 🟥
