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Kylia Carter




🏀MaDukes the MAMAger to my NBA athlete 🏀Former D1 athlete with dual degrees in 📚 🎓 Banking and Finance and Managerial Finance with M.Ed from Ole Miss 🏫The University of Mississippi my home state✊🏾 We are here to gain knowledge while offering support and resources to elevate and educate families like us! Please check out and Our family foundation created in 2020 to do the work of educating, elevating, servicing, and supporting families. Over 25 years experience as 🙏🏾Christian ✊🏾📚Educator/System Trainer/Developer 👩🏾‍🏫Professional Consultant 📝Professional and Technical Writer 🗣Inspirational Speaker/Teacher 💚🌸Alpha Kappa Alpha What’s Next 📖Aspiring Author🙏🏾 👩🏾‍💼High Earning Speaker and Trainer Continuing as a 📝Professional Consultant 📁Business Manager 🏞Community Resource 😷Frequency Health Advisor 🙏🏾Enlightened Coach sharing my formal and life education to help/support others. Follow me on Facebook—MaDuke Report The MaDuke Report is a weekly Facebook live event that I host every SUNDAY 7:30 EST advising, growing and supporting others with the Bible, education, and basketball 🙏🏾📚🏀 We will be moving to Instagram soon💯