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Feetri Rahim




Hi! I’m Feetri 👋🏻 📱I teach home based businesses on how to create content, sell better and grow organically on Instagram. Hosted 90 minutes masterclass on ✨ Create Content Confidently ✨ Show Up & Stand Out on Instagram Stories Currently open for 4-weeks Instagram Coaching and Done-For-You Content Creation. I’m also a big supporter for mums in business. Are you a mum with a business? DM me, let’s connect! ▪️▪️▪️ I also work alongside my husband in @fitriyyahsg 👩🏻‍💻 We host Islamic online classes for working adults and Muslim professionals 💍 All About Nikah class, every Thursday. 🖥 The Modern Muslim class, last week of every month. 📍Singapore 🇸🇬 I’m active on Instagram, DM to connect! 🔽